DataTALKS is a series of recorded economic data discussions that provide an inside look into Tallahassee-Leon County’s economic trends using the robust data metrics that the Office of Economic Vitality Research and Analytics Division tracks. DataTALKS is a featured series derived from our quarterly data focus that provides an accessible digital platform by which to communicate economic data to a wide audience.
DataTALKS: Health Care Industry
Health Care and Social Services accounted for about 9% of Tallahassee’s Gross Regional Product in 2022 [$2.04B], ranking third after Government [$5.07B] and Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services [$2.41B]. Major …health care components include Ambulatory Health Care Services [4.5%] Hospitals [2.8%], and Nursing and Residential Care Facilities [0.7%]. Health care transactions were estimated at over $3.5 billion in 2022, accounting for over 6% of all sales in the Tallahassee metro area, led by General Medical and Surgical Hospitals [2.0%] and Offices of Physicians [1.2%]. Over 19,000 people in the Tallahassee metro area work in occupations directly related to Health Care and Social Services, with an overall 2024-2029 projected growth rate of 8%, compared to 4% for all occupations. During 2018-2022, availability of physicians was nearly 10% higher in Leon County than statewide. Leon County is consistently among the top quartile of 67 counties statewide in physicians per capita. Leon County typically ranks either first or second statewide in availability of Family Practice Physicians per capita. The Tallahassee metro area has 1,309 Health Care (Target Industry) establishments as of 2022, with Services for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities [NAICS 62412] accounting for 27%. These establishments have 26,444 jobs as of 2024, with General Medical and Surgical Hospitals [NAICS 62211] accounting for 28% of jobs. Health Care Target Industry employment is projected to grow 8% by 2029. During 2018-2022, availability of hospital beds in Leon County was on average 31% higher than Florida’s. Over the past decade Leon County has consistently ranked among the top ten counties statewide for the most hospital beds per capita. In 2023, building area in Leon County for hospitals, clinics, and nursing facilities was triple what it was in 2013. Major medical facilities built in the past decade include the Mustian Surgery Tower, the VA Outpatient Clinic, CHP Clinic and Medical Office, Centre Pointe Health & Rehab. Center Expansion, Care Point Health and Wellness Center, American Health Imaging, Florida Cancer Specialists, Capital Regional Medical Center ER, and North Monroe Free Standing ER. Over the next decade, persons ages 65 and older are projected to account for 56% of the population change in the Tallahassee metro area [17.6K of 34K]. The additional medical facility infrastructure is timely, since people 65 and older account for 37% of US health care expenditures but only 17% of the population.[+] Show More
DataTALKS: Health Care Industry
Health Care and Social Services accounted for about 9% of Tallahassee’s Gross Regional Product in 2022 [$2.04B], ranking third after Government [$5.07B] and Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services [$2.41B]. Major health care components …
Health Care and Social Services accounted for about 9% of Tallahassee’s Gross Regional Product in 2022 [$2.04B], ranking third after Government [$5.07B] and Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services [$2.41B]. Major …health care components include Ambulatory Health Care Services [4.5%] Hospitals [2.8%], and Nursing and Residential Care Facilities [0.7%]. Health care transactions were estimated at over $3.5 billion in 2022, accounting for over 6% of all sales in the Tallahassee metro area, led by General Medical and Surgical Hospitals [2.0%] and Offices of Physicians [1.2%]. Over 19,000 people in the Tallahassee metro area work in occupations directly related to Health Care and Social Services, with an overall 2024-2029 projected growth rate of 8%, compared to 4% for all occupations. During 2018-2022, availability of physicians was nearly 10% higher in Leon County than statewide. Leon County is consistently among the top quartile of 67 counties statewide in physicians per capita. Leon County typically ranks either first or second statewide in availability of Family Practice Physicians per capita. The Tallahassee metro area has 1,309 Health Care (Target Industry) establishments as of 2022, with Services for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities [NAICS 62412] accounting for 27%. These establishments have 26,444 jobs as of 2024, with General Medical and Surgical Hospitals [NAICS 62211] accounting for 28% of jobs. Health Care Target Industry employment is projected to grow 8% by 2029. During 2018-2022, availability of hospital beds in Leon County was on average 31% higher than Florida’s. Over the past decade Leon County has consistently ranked among the top ten counties statewide for the most hospital beds per capita. In 2023, building area in Leon County for hospitals, clinics, and nursing facilities was triple what it was in 2013. Major medical facilities built in the past decade include the Mustian Surgery Tower, the VA Outpatient Clinic, CHP Clinic and Medical Office, Centre Pointe Health & Rehab. Center Expansion, Care Point Health and Wellness Center, American Health Imaging, Florida Cancer Specialists, Capital Regional Medical Center ER, and North Monroe Free Standing ER. Over the next decade, persons ages 65 and older are projected to account for 56% of the population change in the Tallahassee metro area [17.6K of 34K]. The additional medical facility infrastructure is timely, since people 65 and older account for 37% of US health care expenditures but only 17% of the population.[+] Show More
DataTALKS: Tallahassee & Florida
The Office of Economic Vitality’s Business Intelligence Division presents DataTALKS: Tallahassee & Florida. Florida has over 22 million inhabitants, 97% of whom live in one of its 22 metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs). The Tallahassee MSA …
The Office of Economic Vitality’s Business Intelligence Division presents DataTALKS: Tallahassee & Florida. Florida has over 22 million inhabitants, 97% of whom live in one of its 22 metropolitan statistical …areas (MSAs). The Tallahassee MSA (Gadsden, Jefferson, Leon, and Wakulla counties) has a population of 393,000, ranking 12th among the 22 metro areas. Leon County has 76% of the metro area population; the City of Tallahassee, 51%. Tallahassee’s population growth rate of 2.1% per year in the 1990s was about the same as Florida’s, but slowed to 0.4% per year in the 2010s, while Florida’s was 1.4% per year during the 2010s.
About 18% (70K) of the Tallahassee metro population consists of college-age students (ages 18 to 24), with an enrollment of ~65K in local post-secondary institutions. Only 9% of Florida’s population is ages 18 to 24.
The student population affects household composition: 57% of Tallahassee’s households are family households, while statewide the rate is 65%.
Tallahassee’s labor force grew by 3.7% during 2016-2021, while Florida’s increased by 4.8%. During 2020-2021, Tallahassee’s private sector employment increased by 5%, while the increase was 5.4% statewide, though at that time the annual average unemployment rate for Tallahassee was 2.4 points lower than the statewide rate.
The local college student population also affects measurements of income. Per capita personal income in Tallahassee was 16% lower than statewide, while median family income in Tallahassee was 2.6% higher than statewide.
During 2017-2022, the average annual growth in new housing unit permits was higher for the Tallahassee metro area than statewide. From 2021 to 2022, the median price of a single-family home increased 13% locally and 16% statewide. The homeownership rate for the Tallahassee metro area was around 59% (due in part to the college student population), while statewide the rate was 67%.
Real GDP per Private Sector Employee increased by 5% in Tallahassee during 2017-2021, and by 9% statewide. During 2012-2021, exports from Tallahassee increased by 76%, while Florida’s overall exports decreased by 16%. The annual growth rate in new business formations during 2016-2021 in the Tallahassee metro area exceeded Florida’s rate in all but one year.[+] Show More
Annual Economic Review 2021
Annual Economic Review is a 1- and 5-year retrospective of the same 13 indicators featured in the Quarterly Economic Dashboard. Annual data gives wider context than quarterly updates, allowing long-term objectives to come into focus.
Annual Economic Review is a 1- and 5-year retrospective of the same 13 indicators featured in the Quarterly Economic Dashboard. Annual data gives wider context than quarterly updates, allowing long-term …objectives to come into focus.[+] Show More
DataTALKS: Labor Force
The Office of Economic Vitality’s Business Intelligence Division presents DataTALKS: Labor Force. The term “Labor Force” includes those of working age who are either employed or unemployed and seeking work. The Tallahassee metro area’s Labor …
The Office of Economic Vitality’s Business Intelligence Division presents DataTALKS: Labor Force. The term “Labor Force” includes those of working age who are either employed or unemployed and seeking work. …The Tallahassee metro area’s Labor Force seasonally peaks in September to October and is usually at its lowest in January and May. In 2021, annual average labor force was over 194K, up 3.1% from 2020. Labor Force grew almost 19% in the 1990s, over 11% in the 2000s, and by only 1% in the 2010s. During 2017-2021, labor force grew 3%.
Labor Force Participation Rate (LFPR) is the ratio of Labor Force (i.e., Employed + Unemployed) to the total working age population (typically, ages 16-64). Tallahassee’s participation rate is skewed lower than Florida’s due in part to its substantial college student population, many of whom are not in the labor force. For ages 25-64, Tallahassee’s LFPR is comparable to the statewide rate. The local participation rate among men was lower in the 2010s than the rate among men statewide (ages 25-64). Conversely, the local participation rate among women was higher in the 2010s than among women statewide (ages 25-64).[+] Show More
DataTALKS: Population Estimates & Projections
The Office of Economic Vitality’s Business Intelligence Division produces DataTALKS: The Tallahassee metro area grew from 212K in 1980 to 384K in 2020. The rate of growth was over 20% in the 1980s and 1990s, and 5% in the 2010s. Population …
The Office of Economic Vitality’s Business Intelligence Division produces DataTALKS: The Tallahassee metro area grew from 212K in 1980 to 384K in 2020. The rate of growth was over 20% …in the 1980s and 1990s, and 5% in the 2010s. Population projections predict 7% growth in the 2020s, slowing to 3% by the 2040s.
(Source: University of Florida’s Bureau of Economic and Business Research, which produces Florida’s official state and local population estimates and projections.)[+] Show More
DataTALKS: Business Formation (Tallahassee-Leon County)
The Office of Economic Vitality’s Business Intelligence Division presents DataTALKS: Business Formation. Since 2017, business formations in the Tallahassee metro area have exceeded 5,000 per year, compared with an average of around 3,900 per …
The Office of Economic Vitality’s Business Intelligence Division presents DataTALKS: Business Formation. Since 2017, business formations in the Tallahassee metro area have exceeded 5,000 per year, compared with an average …of around 3,900 per year during 2005-2016. In 2020, there were over 7,000 business applications, up 81% from 2015. (Source: Census Bureau, Business Formation Statistics)[+] Show More
DataTALKS: State Government Employment
State government employment in the Tallahassee metro area has been consistent over the past 30 years. Employment growth has come mostly from the private sector, so that the proportion of state jobs to total employment has decreased from 30% in …
State government employment in the Tallahassee metro area has been consistent over the past 30 years. Employment growth has come mostly from the private sector, so that the proportion of …state jobs to total employment has decreased from 30% in the 1990s to 25% in the 2010s. The stabilizing influence of state jobs means Tallahassee’s overall employment does not necessarily track with statewide trends.[+] Show More
DataTALKS: Annual Economic Review 2020
Annual Economic Review is a 1- and 5-year summary of the same 13 indicators featured in the Quarterly Economic Dashboard. Annual data gives a macro perspective, allowing comprehensive objectives come into focus.
Annual Economic Review is a 1- and 5-year summary of the same 13 indicators featured in the Quarterly Economic Dashboard. Annual data gives a macro perspective, allowing comprehensive objectives come …into focus.[+] Show More
DataTALKS: Job Creation and Destruction
Check out this #DataTALKS for Q3 2020 highlighting net job creation in the Tallahassee metro area during the 2000s and 2010s.
Check out this #DataTALKS for Q3 2020 highlighting net job creation in the Tallahassee metro area during the 2000s and 2010s.
DataTALKS: Exports
Our local economy isn’t just connected to our metro area, it’s connected to the world. Learn more about the export activity coming from Florida’s capital.
Our local economy isn’t just connected to our metro area, it’s connected to the world. Learn more about the export activity coming from Florida’s capital.
DataTALKS: Student Retention
Florida A&M University and Florida State University students account for 80% of the 65,000 higher education students enrolled in Leon County. Learn more about the graduate retention rate in the Tallahassee metro area from FAMU and FSU students.
Florida A&M University and Florida State University students account for 80% of the 65,000 higher education students enrolled in Leon County. Learn more about the graduate retention rate in the …Tallahassee metro area from FAMU and FSU students.[+] Show More
DataTALKS: Nonemployer Statistics
Census Nonemployer data shows local entrepreneur and gig activity for businesses that have no paid employees and are subject to federal income tax.
Census Nonemployer data shows local entrepreneur and gig activity for businesses that have no paid employees and are subject to federal income tax.