The Office of Economic Vitality stands ready to support your business expansion mission and walk you through the process. While most permits will be issued in under 30 days, allowing new and growing businesses to get to work quickly on your expansion plans, some projects will require additional layers of review to ensure compliance with local environmental, site design
On Your Mark
Many major commercial building permits can be applied for at once to expedite the approval process. These permits will include:
- Land-Use Compliance Certificate (OPTIONAL) (8-days)
- Concurrency (15 Days)
- Natural Features Inventory (15 Days)
- Environmental Impact Analysis (15 Days)
- Environmental Management Permit (15 Days)
- Commercial Building Permit (45 Days)
Get Set
(Begin on Day 9)
- Type B Site Plan (Prior to Development Review Committee) (30-Days)
(Begin on Day 15)
- Environmental Management Permit Final Approval (30 Days)
(Begin on Day 35)
- Type B Final Approval (8 Days)
Go (Day 45)
- Site Work Begins (Grading, Stormwater, Infrastructure, etc.) (45 Days)
- Construction Begins (90 Days)
Development Review Fast Tracking & Customer Service Initiative
Top 10 Ways to Speed Up The Permitting Process
- Provide a complete package of
required information at the time of submittal. - Apply for the Cultural Resource Clearance Letter at the conception of the project rather than waiting until pre-submittal or later.
- Meet with staff to discuss a project at the earliest point possible.
- Take advantage of the pre-submittal process. This is a free meeting with input provided by all staff involved in the development review process (Traffic, Utilities, Solid Waste, etc.).
- Work with the Water Management District early in the process so the project can be designed in a manner that meets both State and City requirements.
- If you anticipate complex environmental issues with your site, schedule a meeting with the Land Use Biologist 850-891-7100 early in the process so we can assist in finding a resolution to complex permitting scenarios.
- If off-site slope mitigation is likely, find the area to be used for the mitigation prior to the pre-submittal meeting.
- Take advantage of the simultaneous review process where site plan, environmental permit, and building permit reviews take place concurrently.
- Respond to
staff’s permit review comments in a timely manner. Applicant should schedule a meeting with staff to go over their response to permit review comments prior to resubmittal of the application.
Tallahassee-Leon County Planning Department
The Tallahassee-Leon County Planning Department provides accurate information, creative and effective planning recommendations, and expertise in the areas of long-range land use, environmental, and transportation planning for the orderly growth of the Tallahassee community.
City of Tallahassee Site Plan & Subdivision Review
The City of Tallahassee Growth Management Department provides support with site plan, plan review, permitting and inspection processes. To develop property within the City of Tallahassee, you must determine that your project complies with all applicable development codes.
Leon County Site Plan & Subdivision Review
The Leon County Division of Development Services protects the health, safety, and welfare of the community by ensuring that all development activities comply with adopted land development regulations, including zoning, design, site plan, and subdivision standards and regulations.