Non-Competitive Projects
Non-Competitive Projects

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What is a Non-Competitive Project?

A Non-Competitive Economic Development Project is a project that has a general public purpose that encourages the growth of the Tallahassee-Leon County economy, aligns with OEV’s Strategic Plan, creates or retains jobs, and reflects a capital investment into the community.

OVERVIEW of the Non-Competitive Projects Process

  1. Interested organization completes the application form and presents it (with all accompanying documentation) to the IA Board, consisting of City and County Commissioners.
  2. IA Board directs OEV staff to review the proposal.
  3. OEV reviews the application for project feasibility, applicant history, compliance with laws, rules, and statutes, and that the project aligns with the IA Board Direction.
  4. OEV presents the application to the Economic Vitality Leadership Council (EVLC) for recommendation.
  5. OEV writes an agenda item for the project, including OEV and EVLC recommendation.
  6. The IA Board reviews the agenda item and determines approval or rejection. The applicant is notified of the decision.
  7. If the proposal is approved, an agreement is written detailing the terms of the OEV’s involvement in the project.
  8. An announcement is made to publish the agreement.

Eligible Applicants

  • For-Profit Companies
  • Not-for-Profit Companies
  • Public educational institutions in Leon County
  • Units of State and Local Government engaged in economic development activity

Eligible Industries

Non-competitive applications must show the creation or retention of jobs that pay a livable wage in the following industries:

  • Applied Sciences & Innovation
  • Manufacturing & Transportation/Logistics
  • Health Care
  • Professional Services & Information Technology

Proposal Requirements

The project must demonstrate return on investment, including the ability to improve the local economy through:

  • land/infrastructure improvements,
  • research & development, or
  • economic inclusion through the support of minority & women-owned enterprises.

The project’s sustainability, including the extent to which the project demonstrates:

  • support from local stakeholders (private, public, and non-profit entities, etc.), and
  • alignment with, and integrated into, other public or private investments currently ongoing or planned for the local community.

Required Documentation

The proposal must include the following documentation to qualify for consideration:

  • Certification from the Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations as to the current corporate status of the applicant (non-profit and for-profit corporations only).
  • Copy of the Articles of Incorporation or Organization of the applicant (non-profit and for-profit corporations only).
  • Documents reflecting the organizational, management, and financial structure of the applicant (including but not limited to bank statements, filed tax returns, audited financial statements and reports, organization chart, resumes of management/leadership team responsible for project activities and deliverables).
  • Recent independent market analysis evaluating the economic development impact of the proposal to the Tallahassee-Leon County area performed at the applicant’s expense. Required for requests exceeding $100,000.
  • Proposed budget and Scope of Work for the project.
  • Detailed deliverables for the project.

Final Considerations

  • The project’s feasibility and the likelihood that the project will achieve projected outcomes.
  • The availability of OEV funds based on other OEV project (competitive and non-competitive) funding obligations and approved or projected budget.
  • The availability and committed nature of other sources of funding for the project.
  • Favorable programmatic review and recommendation by the Economic Vitality Leadership Council.

Ready to Apply?

Be sure to review the contents of this page as well as Policy 114: Non-Competitive Economic Development Project Proposals to thoroughly understand the Non-Competitive Projects application process and requirements.