The 14-member Economic Vitality Leadership Council (EVLC) serves a vital, ongoing function of assessing Tallahassee-Leon County’s ability to compete for new business investment, existing industry growth and economic expansion, as well as entrepreneurial and small business growth, through non-traditional activities and the delivery of a competitive workforce. The members, appointed by the Blueprint Intergovernmental Agency Board of Directors (BPIA), include leaders from Tallahassee-Leon County’s businesses, public entities and non-profit organizations that represent each of the Strategic Plan’s six initiative areas: business formation; technology and commercialization; business retention and expansion; business recruitment; talent development; tourism and the creative economy, as well as marketing.
Members of the Economic Vitality Leadership Council work closely with OEV leadership to continually evaluate, provide technical expertise, and track Tallahassee-Leon County’s progress toward implementation of the strategic plan. They also review and recommend OEV actions and resolutions to bring before the BPIA. For instance, as the Council identifies needs or areas of opportunity for increased competitiveness, it can recommend that a task force, under the leadership of staff, be formed from EVLC membership to address such needs. Members of the Economic Vitality Leadership Council do not consider or approve funding for projects or programs.

Richard Darabi, P.E.

Dr. Temple Robinson, MD

Tracey Cohen

Mindy Perkins

Mark O’Bryant

Tom Barron

Cissy Proctor

Katrina Rolle

Kimberly Crowell

Adrienne Johnston

Bill Lickson

Valerie McDevitt

Terry Simpkins