The Minority, Women and Small Business Enterprise (MWSBE) Division was established with the Office of Economic Vitality to communicate City of Tallahassee, Leon County Government, and Blueprint Intergovernmental Agency procurement and contracting opportunities, enhancing business relationships, and increasing participation opportunities for certified minority, women, and small business enterprises. All are committed to providing procurement opportunities for MWBEs through subcontracting and prime contracting through RFPs and bids to increase supplier diversity in our local government spending.
City of Tallahassee
The City of Tallahassee Procurement Services Division utilizes Bonfire Interactive for the distribution of solicitation information. By registering with Bonfire, vendors will also have access to bidding opportunities from other public sector agencies.
Leon County Government
The Leon County Purchasing Division is responsible for the procurement of supplies, equipment, and services for all departments under the Board of County Commissioners, as well as the Sheriff’s Office, the Court Administrator