Learning Resources
Learning Resources

OEV supplements information and resources with webinars, presentations, and other business tools that increase access to opportunities for minority- and women-owned businesses throughout the region. 

MWSBE Certification User Manual

Thank you for your interest in certifying your business with the Office of Economic Vitality’s Minority, Women, and Small Business Enterprise (MWSBE) Division. The B2GNow Application User Manual will enable an interested applicant to submit a Minority, Women, and Small Business Enterprise (MWSBE) Certification Application online.

Tips for Maximizing MWSBE Utilization on City of Tallahassee and Blueprint Projects

A video presentation by LaTanya Raffington explaining how to maximize MWSBE utilization on City of Tallahassee and Blueprint projects.

Watch now at https://vimeo.com/740991009/8640700eed

Certification: A Key for Accessing Business Opportunities

The Office of Economic Vitality Minority, Women and Small Business Enterprise (MWSBE) present Certification: A Key for Accessing Business Opportunities. This webinar is designed to assist business owners with applying for the certification or re-certification needed to enhance their procurement & contracting opportunities. Certification can connect your business with City/County projects, expand your network, and place your business on the official MWSBE directory.

Preparing Construction Trades for Private & Public Construction Opportunities

Interested in construction opportunities at the South Monroe Walls development? Learn how your business can prepare for public and private construction opportunities during this webinar! This informative webinar will feature area experts including Wayne Mayo of Southern Standard Construction, Deputy Director of the Office of Economic Vitality MWSBE Division Darryl Jones, and FAMU Small Business Development Center Regional Director Keith Bowers.

Financing Opportunities for Minority and Women-Owned Businesses

With the launch of the Apalachee Regional Planning Council (ARPC) and the FAMU Federal Credit Union micro-lending programs, join the Office of Economic Vitality for this free webinar on financing opportunities for minority and Women-Owned Small Businesses. The webinar featured representatives from the ARPC, FAMU Federal Credit Union, FAMU Small Business Development Center, the Big Bend Minority Chamber, and the Capital City Chamber.

How Going Digital Can Save Your Small Business

Due to unforeseen circumstances, many companies are having to speed up the timeline of their digital transformations to keep up with demand. The second installment of the MWSBE Academy Webinar Series features Business Automation Pros President Ja’Baree Allen as he discusses how going digital can save your small business!

Resilient Strategies for Sustainable Business Operations

Learn from our experts! The Office of Economic Vitality has teamed up with Leon County Emergency Management to help your business create resilient strategies for sustainable operations during the hurricane season. This workshop provides tools and information to help your business or organization to identify risks, develop a business continuity plan, and take action.

The ABC’s of ACDBE & DBE’s

Learn about the certification process and the benefits of becoming an Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (ACDBE) and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE). This webinar features representatives from the Office of Economic Vitality, Florida Department of Transportation, Tallahassee International Airport, and StarMetro.

Making It Count: The Rules of Bid Estimating

Want to know how to make it count in the bid estimating process? There are a few rules to bid estimating but we can teach you how to make it count!

Need additional assistance?

Schedule a consultation with the MWSBE Program team to get your questions answered.

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December 31, 2024

We are thrilled to introduce the Money Smart Program for Adults, a comprehensive 15-week hybrid course designed to empower residents of North Florida with essential financial skills and knowledge. This program, developed by the FDIC, offers practical, unbiased education on budgeting, credit management, homeownership planning, and more. Sessions will be held both in-person at Tallahassee State […]