Authorized Solicitation Guidelines
Authorized Solicitation Guidelines

As of February 20, 2024, unauthorized solicitation on private property with posted signage is prohibited under Leon County Ordinance (Chapter 12, Article IV, Sec. 12-82, Leon County Code of Laws). The Ordinance allows law enforcement to enforce the Ordinance on private property with posted signage. 

The Ordinance provides that if a property owner, managing and authorizing agent, lessee/tenant, or person otherwise in charge of the private property obtains the appropriate No Solicitation Sign and displays it as required, and a person is soliciting on that property without the required express written consent, it will be presumed that the person is soliciting in violation of the Ordinance and subject to its penalties.  

To comply with the Ordinance, a person soliciting must maintain the express written permission on their person while on the private property and must provide such written permission upon demand. The Ordinance outlines the information that the written permission must contain, which includes: 

  1. The full name of the person soliciting; 
  1. The full name, telephone number, and signature of the property owners, etc.; 
  1. The type of solicitation that the person is authorized to engage in while on the private property; and 
  1. The date on which the property owners, etc. signed, and the beginning and end dates for which the permission applies.  

Community & Business Guide on Homelessness

Read the Community & Business Guide on Homelessness from the Big Bend Continuum of Care (BBCoC) with helpful tips, ways to help, and more. For additional information, visit the BBCoC website